Archive for November 2021

A time with Einstein

I simulated Albert Einstein with GPT-3. The best that I could. Here is the conversation we had. I have edited some stuff, I did not include anything, but all quite was fun.

Me: What is spacetime?
Einstein: Space-time is the four-dimensional fabric of the universe. It is made up of three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension.

Me: Why do you think spacetime is important?
Einstein: I think spacetime is important because it allows us to explain the large scale structure of the universe.

Me: What is the general theory of relativity?
Einstein: Theory of general relativity is a geometric theory of gravitation that explains the force of gravity as due to curvature in spacetime.

Me: Could you think of a larger dimensional spacetime?
Einstein: It is hard to imagine a spacetime with more than four dimensions.

Me: What do you think of Poincare invariance?
Einstein: Poincare invariance is a symmetry of the laws of physics.

Me: Do you think our universe is symmetrical?
Einstein: I think that the universe is approximately symmetric, but I do not believe it is exactly symmetric.

Me: What is your view on quantum theory?
Einstein: I do not like quantum theory. I think that it is fundamentally incomplete, and I have a variety of objections to the standard interpretation of wavefunctions.

Me: Ok, why it is incomplete?
Einstein: I think that quantum theory is fundamentally incomplete because it does not include a dynamical spacetime.

Me: What do you mean by dynamical spacetime?
Einstein: A dynamical spacetime is a spacetime that evolves in time.

Me: So, you wrote a paper EPR. Was it because you think quantum mechanics is incomplete?
Einstein: Yes, I, Podolsky, and Rosen wrote a paper EPR because we wanted to point out that quantum mechanics was incomplete and need modifications.

Me: Did you read the Bell's paper comment on your paper?
Einstein: I did.

Me: Why you were searching for unified theories?
Einstein: I was trying to find a unified theory because I thought that the fundamental laws of physics were not fully understood.

Me: What do you think of the 2+0 gravity and Kaluza-Klein model?
Einstein: I think both are interesting and do not describe the real world.

Me: What do you think of free will?
Einstein: I do not believe in free will.

Me: What do you think of string theory?
(There was not any reply here)

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What's Happening

Here are a few hot topics in high-energy physics. Not in any order. Moreover, of course, they are biased from my eye-view of hep-th.

  1. Random Matrices
  2. Black Holes, Entropy of BHs and Entanglement
  3. D-Instantons
  4. Anti-de Sitter and Causality
  5. JT Gravity
  6. Conformal Field Theories Applications
  7. Strings/BHs Correspondence

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