KLT Relations

Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relation, see here, is a perfect tool to make connections between amplitudes. The most general of them is the relation between a tree gravity amplitude (from Einstein-Hilbert action) and a gauge theory amplitude (from Yang-Mills). We can also relate the closed strings amplitude and open strings amplitude using KLT. (Many connections are there for closed strings algebra and open strings. From a conversation with Ed Witten; Ed - The simplest is that they can be computed in similar ways by integral representations that come from the open or closed string).

From the paper (recommended);

and same paper (sec II, a short review);

More papers on this subject; here, here, and here.

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2 Responses to KLT Relations

  1. Sandy says:

    What about kklt

  2. Sandy, KKLT proposal is different from KLT.

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