Few Updates

Let us catch with some updates. 

  • Susskind has a good paper on de-Sitter space here. He has been pretty active in de-Sitter lately. One should first start with his and colleagues' paper on the causal patch and then follow up on his recent writings. (I recently saw a video of Susskind highly appraising Juan Maldacena here.)
  • I wrote a fine and short piece of introduction (and basically mixed up) article on field theory and beyond, which can be found here and here.
  • Subir Sachdev, TIFR, and IAS have organized a course on Quantum phases of matter. The lectures can be viewed at http://qpt.physics.harvard.edu/qpm/.
  • Breakthrough Prizes have been awarded https://breakthroughprize.org/News/65.
Ig Nobel Prizes are out, check it to chuckle a little.

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2 Responses to Few Updates

  1. Anonymous says:

    IPCC is a loose game

  2. Anonymous, I assume that you did read the report. If no, do it.

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