The Quill 2 ~ Defining Gauge Theory

This post will contain some random notes on gauge theory and differential geometry.

It was very surprising when two cohorts, namely mathematicians and physicists, found that the stuff they were doing simultaneously was the same in two different languages. Let us take a vector bundle E with $G$ as its structure group on a manifold $\mathcal{M}$. Then, here, one can do lots of differential geometry. But the interesting thing is that this is equivalent to describing a gauge theory with the gauge group $G$. Let's say the connection on the vector bundle $A$ is 1-forms potential in the gauge theory. The curvature is defined as the exterior derivative of $A$
In the case of electromagnetism, which is U(1) gauge theory, one can say that a vector bundle with $U(1)$ structure group and connection $A$ defines the electromagnetism where $A$ follows a gauge transformation
$$G \colon A \rightarrow A'$$
where $G=U(1)$ in this case. The gauge transformations are taken in the overlap regions which we define while defining the 1-forms potentials (which are not global on the manifold). The curvature here is the 2-form $F$, which is the field for electromagnetism. It follows a Bianchi identity
Similarly, we can describe gauge theory using this way of seeing for $G=SU(2)$ or $G=SO(3)$. However, every case has its own special features; for example, if one has a compact abelian group (like U(1)), one can shoot for Hodge theory to study the 2-forms.

Now, the gauge group $G$ is the automorphism (the homomorphism from $E$ to $E$) of the bundle, and the algebra associated with $G$ is called gauge algebra. Thus, we observe that the Yang-Mills theory is described by these connections, curvature, and gauge group of a vector bundle.

We will expand later on why the connections are defined only locally on a manifold. For reference, one may check this book or this. There exists a very giant literature (expository too) on this.

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