Veneziano Amplitude

In string theory, when we write the Feynman diagrams, we denote amplitude for open and closed string, as Veneziano and Virasoro-Shapiro amplitudes (a complex beta function) respectively (we will only discuss the former). Veneziano amplitude is an Euler beta function that obeys the crossing symmetry and looks*

where s and t are Mandelstem variables defined;
and $ \alpha(s) $ is Regge trajectory.

The amplitude is a result of the work on the duality between s and t channels. According to this duality, the sum of all the s channels and t channels should be equal. It was written for a model obeying the Regge trajectory which at the time was indicating not the string theory, but a QCD theory.  The Euler form of the amplitude can be written through expansions as**

because any beta function of the form
can be written as 

Note * has only one pole rather than two and ** is written in t poles. What we can do is writing ** in s poles, which then

And that is the duality. We can study various aspects of it by keeping t fixed or s fixed. This is done in the very first paper on this by Veneziano, here. Also, in integral representation, as like a beta function, this amplitude can be written as 
In large s and fixed t
it is valid for a complex large s plane unless one gets too close to the positive real line. This indicates that quantum corrections would be received by the imaginary part. In large s and fixed t, one can also write $A(s,t) \sim s^{\alpha(t)}$ (for linear Regge trajectory), and since in general Regge theory $A(s,t)\sim s^J$ where J is averaged (effective) angular momentum, we see  

$$\boxed{ J = \alpha(t)}$$

For a good understanding of this amplitude (or string theory), you can read Superstring Theory by Green, Schwarz, and Witten. Or Polchinksi's volumes.

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2 Responses to Veneziano Amplitude

  1. Shantanu says:

    Continuing your discussion what are the chances of it being calculated using the other algebra (VIrasoro)

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