We can use the Feynman diagrams to replicate the process of scattering with
strings. For particle interactions, we can do Feynman diagrams (for , see
this - just topologies). For strings, we can do the same; we call them "string
diagrams." A closed string forming two closed strings is depicted by changing
the point-particle by strings and word line by worldsheet.
The crossing line indicates (this one line is for collective dimensions.
However, there should be definitive for each one) that there is not one for
all Lorentz frame, unlike in point particle theory, but two. It can be
interpreted that the point-particle Feynman diagram is just a limiting case of
the string diagrams. Furthermore, one string diagram (with vertex function)
can be deformed to a few particle Feynman diagrams. That is one of the reasons
why there are not many string diagrams. Lorentz frames are also the reason for
the absence of ultraviolet divergence because of independent defined Lorentz
sites at interaction.
Similarly, one can do the one-loop of string diagrams as we do in point
particle. But, the convenience and Lorentz issue demand something better. We
do that by conformally mapping the string diagrams. In this case, we map it to a topological disk (genus-0)
Among the advantages of conformal mapping, one being that there would not be the h (associated with
The final operator for emission and absorption becomes
We need to fix the residual gauge invariance for the special linear group (when calculating the M-point functions). Conformal mapping for open strings (in this case, it should be on the boundary of the disk) is done in similar ways, however, they are different.