The Quill 12 ~ Between 't Hooft and Wilson

This post will contain only one ACT.
The kind of duality that exists between the electric charge and magnetic charge is very advanced and that extends to some of the wild mathematics. Let's explore some of the mathematics here. 
What mathematicians study as the Fourier transform between the lattice $H^2(M,\mathbb{Z})$ and the dual (complexified) torus $T$ is the same as electric-magnetic duality in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group $U(1)$. There is a lot to unpack there.

In a past Quill, we saw a twist that produces $\mathcal{N}=1$ quantum mechanics, and that killed time (so the Hamiltonian is zero in cohomology) in a derived sense. We will now see the $U(1)$ gauge theory. For mathematicians, it is a connection on the $U(1)$ bundle, and for physicists, it is the theory of electromagnetism in three dimensions. Now, we will do a twist of a similar kind here to get a bigger Lie algebra (super Lie algebra). There are two kinds of twists (see Ben-Zvi's lectures on Langlands). But the idea is to include some more operators than the Hamiltonian only and study the cohomology. We already have seen the standard SUSY algebra in this post

A-type Twist: We include the operators (like the Q-charge with nilpotency $Q^2=0$) and 16 supercharges. Now, instead of asking for the cohomology on the ordinary Hilbert space of $L^2$ functions, we want to look at the cohomology on the space of connections modulo gauge equivalence. The obtained cohomology is again a de-Rham cohomology with differential forms.

B-type Twist: Now, we include a complex connection corresponding to Higgs fields, to the total connection is $d+A+i\sigma$ where $\sigma$ is one-form on the three-dimensional manifold $M$ (see this). Now, the bundle is not ordinary $U(1)$ but a complex bundle which we will call $\mathbb{C}$, which will also complexify the structure group of the bundle. Anyhow, the cohomology is now studied for the connection on the $\mathbb{C}$ bundle. In this case, the vector space contains the holomorphic functions on $M$. The cohomology that will be of interest, in this vector space, is the Dolbeault cohomology with operators like $\bar{\partial}^2=0$ and so on. 

Now, the A-twist can be associated with the locally constant functions in the zeroth de Rham cohomology, i.e., $H^2(M,\mathbb{Z})$. This $\mathbb{C}(H^2(M,\mathbb{Z}))$ corresponds to the dual lattice of the complexified torus (that is locally how the holomorphic functions would look like in the B-twist). More precisely, $\mathbb{C}(H^2(M,\mathbb{Z}))$ and $\mathbb{C}(T_\mathbb{C}$) are related by the Fourier series. And the lattice $H^2(M,\mathbb{Z})$ and the dual torus $T_\mathbb{C}$ are related by the Fourier transform.

Coming to physics, in A-twist, the 't Hooft operators create magnetic charges and the Wilson operators in the B-twist create electric charges. From the above duality, these operators are also related. So A-twist and B-twist are the same theory with different elementary charges. This is a manifestation of electric-magnetic duality. A-twist is gauge group $G$ and the B-twist is with dual group $^VG$.

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The Quill 11 ~ What's in a Moduli?

ACT A - What's in a Moduli?

In a previous post, we discussed the Kaluza-Klein (KK) compactifications and extended the KK mechanism to string compactifications. Now, we do not really get a unique solution for these compactifications as one can really scale the metric to obtain some other solution. We can thus make a family of these solutions which are called moduli. We will take them on manifold $\mathcal{M}$ with singularities. The metric, let us call it $g$, that we usually consider are Ricci-flat and they are never unique.  If a Calabi-Yau manifold has a $Ricc(g) = 0$, then there can always be perturbations of the kind that can still make the Ricci curvature vanish (see this). One can always construct a cohomology class (with some restrictions of the perturbation) of the perturbations so that the class of non-trivial metric perturbations can be studied which preserves the Ricci flatness conditions.

A moduli space in algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and algebraic topology is about the classifications of objects which are equivalent and those which are not equivalent. (In topology, it is usually called a classifying space.) In essence, it is a geometric interpretation of the solutions. For example, a moduli space of Riemman surface, a moduli space of Elliptic curves, and so on. 

Coming back to the compactifications, here, the moduli space is of Ricci flat metrics. The moduli of the compactification consist of the scalar fields (the massless modes) which are the solutions of the equations that are written for motion. These scalar fields correspond to an infinite tower of modes, also called Kaluza-Klein modes. One can take a family of Ricci flat metric $\mathcal{G}$ and a perturbation around it (as we discussed above). We can then show that some perturbations $\delta \mathcal{G}$ will correspond to these varying of $\mathcal{G}$ (which is equivalent to saying that the perturbations would not hurt the conditions of $K$ that we started with). These will still solve the equations of motion. And each variation (in $\delta \mathcal{G}$) will give us a massless scalar field in our compactified $4-$manifold. As is remarked in this paper, there is no need for symmetry for these variations (like one needs for the description of Goldstone bosons).

One then is left with different values, which only differ by the varying scalar fields. We can then write a family of the vacuas and call it the moduli space $\mathcal{M}$. Now, this is not very exciting because it predicts a large number (a very big number) of vacua for describing our four-dimensional world. This is why moduli stabilization is considered. Moduli is lifted to make the massless modest pick up some mass. (There are non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric realizations of this though.)

ACT $\alpha$ - A Note on the Cohomology of Quasi-Coherent Sheaves

On this blog, we have mentioned about quasi-coherent sheaves and coherent sheaves in multiple places. I wrote a (very) short note on the cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves. A subject like this is at the heart of algebraic geometry and stems from the ideas of homological algebra (see Tohuku by Grothendieck) and sheaf theory (coherent sheaves, see FAC by Serre). We discuss, in the note, Serre's vanishing theorem, Čech cohomology, and the vanishing of higher cohomology.

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The Quill 10 ~ A Sundry for Thoughts

ACT A - Why Calabi-Yau Manifolds?

In a previous Quill, we saw that one has to do compactifications when dealing with theories in higher dimensions, examples include supergravity (or M-theory) in $D=11$ or superstrings in $D=10$, or the very classic Kaluza-Klein compactification from $D=5$ to $D=4$. We do these compactifications on a very special kind of manifolds for reasonings that are more apt for physics than mathematics.

Let's say we take $10$-dimensional theory and compactify on K like $M_4 \times K$ where $K$ is really a $(3,1)$ manifold of space-time and $K$ is a six-dimensional (compact) Riemannian manifold. The dimensions of $K$ are very macroscopic and $K$ will serve us for three things: 1) Supersymmetry, 2) effective low-energy limit physics, and 3) zero-curvature (Ricci flat). It is thus that $K$ has to be very special, especially from a physicist's point of view. We want to preserve the $\mathcal{N}=1$ (the bare and the simplest number of SUSY) in $M_4$ and we want these $K$ to also provide massless modes of interest. In particular, the holonomy group of the metric of $K$ must be contained in $u(n)$, and in particular, it is of $SU(3)$ holonomy. (It is important for many reasons, to name one, it is crucial for the unbroken supersymmetry in $M_4$.)

Now, there are some good mathematical consequences of these, which were realized by physicists in an amazing period of the 80s following works in algebraic geometry and differential geometry.
  • $K$ has a complex structure and its first Chern class vanishes. The metric then becomes Kähler for this. Also, the first Betti number vanishes, $b_1(K)=0$.
  • $K$ is Ricci-Flat (that does not necessarily mean the Riemann curvature is zero) and its Ricci tensor would vanish. This implies that the restricted holonomy of the Ricci-Flat Kähler manifold, which is our $K$, has to be in $SU(n)$ (see this or this).
Our $K$ is called the Calabi-Yau manifold (to honor the two greats Eugenio Calabi and Shing-Tung Yau), which is a Ricci-Flat Kähler manifold. Now, what about $\mathcal{N}=2$? We still have Calabi-Yau manifolds, but they have some deformations.
To see how ML is working with the CY manifolds (which exist in thousands of numbers), see this article by Kalvakota here.

One more thing of interest is to notice that the isometry group of $K$ is $G$ (which is $SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)$ for our SM), but if the second Betti-number is non-zero, $b_2(K) >0$, then there are some extra fields and the full gauge group is $G \times \mathbb{R}^{b_2}$.

ACT B - Topological Quantum Mechanics and SUSY Algebra

This one is rather on a more mathematical side.
Quantum mechanics is just one-dimensional quantum field theory.  In quantum mechanics, one does a lot with Hamiltonian $H$ and the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. $H$ is contained in $\mathcal{H}$, or more appropriately in the algebra. We can now find the time evolution for a state in $\mathcal{H}$ by $$e^{iHt}$$ and something is time invariant if it commutes with $H$. In topological quantum mechanics, we want to, in a sense, kill the time. This can be done, trivially, by setting $H=0$ which limits the eigenspace to a zero eigenspace (which contains only the ground state). It is, however, not interesting in the sense that we do not have much of a theory.

A good alternative is to kill time in a derived sense. This would employ the Hodge theory (for Riemannian manifolds) and cohomology. We can, instead of taking an infinite-dimensional $\mathcal{H} = L^2(M)$ Hilbert space of $L^2$ functions on a manifold $M$, take a space of differential forms $$L^2(p)$$ where $p$ are differential forms. Or more excitingly, attach a complex chain $$(\Omega^\circ, X)$$ where the differential forms are $U(1)$ graded. Doing this adds extra fields to the theory. We can identify, now this has become a SUSY theory, the supercharges $Q,Q^*$ (for $\mathcal{N}=1$ SUSY). These will be our de Rham differential operator $Q=d$ and $Q^*=d^*$ (if you can guess now then we want to pass into cohomology eventually). As in a SUSY algebra, $$[Q,Q] = [Q^*,Q^*] = 0$$ $$[Q, H] = [Q^*,H]=0$$ but $$[Q,Q^*]= H.$$
The Hamiltonian acts on the differential forms $p$ as a Laplace operator, $H=\Delta$. Then one writes $H$ in the form of these supercharges. Also, given $[Q,Q] =0$, one has $d^2=0$ (which is quite a hint for our pass to homology, since $d$ becomes a boundary operator.). If one takes the de Rham cohomology (or Q-cohomology) $H^*(M)$, then Hamiltonian $H$ acts as $H=0$ (and thus the zero eigenvalues), and for the complex chain $(\Omega^\circ, M)$, one has $H$ homotopic to zero.
In this sense, we killed the time, but in a derived sense. In the process, we have gained a bigger algebra in the form of $\mathcal{N}=1$ SUSY algebra (some super Lie-group). Similarly, one can find theories with a larger number of SUSY supercharges. For a good reference on this, see Witten's paper and the notes on E-M and Langlands by Ben-Zvi.

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The Quill 9 ~ Quick notes on the Category of Ringed Spaces and Anveshanā

For any map of rings $A \to B$, we want a map $Spec B \to Spec A$. There is also a geometric motivation that the map between two manifolds $\pi: M \to N$ has a pullback of a smooth function from $N$ to $M$ and for $\pi(x) = y$ if a function vanishes on $y$ then it will vanish on $x$ too.

Similarly, if we have a map $\Pi: A \to B$ where $A, B$ are two schemes, there is a pullback from the sheaves on $B$ to $A$
$$\mathcal{O}_B \to \Pi_* \mathcal{O}_A$$
and this also works well with the restrictions. Now, there are morphisms between the ringed spaces $(A,\mathcal{O}_A)$ and also works with restrictions. For example, $X \subset A$ be an open affine cover, then there is a morphism of ringed spaces
$$(X, \mathcal{O}_{A|X}) \to (A,\mathcal{O}_{A})$$
One also knows that the morphisms of ringed spaces admit compositions. Then one sees that the category of ringed spaces is formed (with objects being ringed spaces and the morphisms of ringed spaces as maps between them).

If taken an open covering over $A$ like $\cup_i\  \mathcal{U}_i = A$, then the morphisms agree on the overlap and there exists a unique map for each $\mathcal{U}_i \to B$ which will be $\Pi_i$. Now, a morphism of ringed spaces does not mean always a morphism of rings. 
For reference, you know what to look for (the rising sea). 

Before I end this post; the inaugural issue of Anveshanā (a bi-yearly magazine) is up now and contains, among many things, interviews and perspectives on mathematics, physics, and arts. It can be accessed at the following:

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The Quill 8 ~ Compactifications and Langlands Correspondence

With this, I restart my Quill notes. This report will be about two very different subjects, namely compactifications and the Langlands Program. And before you are excited or mistaken, I will mention them only independently.

Compactifications have a really long history in physics, the most famous inception was that of Kaluza-Klein theory which was a five-dimensional theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. Generally, one starts with finding the vacua in $M^4 \times S^1$ instead of $M^5$. We assume that the circle's radius is quite small, somewhat of the Planck scale. What are the symmetries of a ground state in $M^4 \times S^1$? These would be the Poincare symmetries of $M^4$ and the gauge $U(1)$ symmetries of $S^1$. And these symmetries would be available for us to observe as (local) gauge symmetries in our $M^4$ (non-compact real world) since Einstein's equations are covariant. After imposing the general covariance and taking a metric on five independent dimensions $g_{\mu \nu}$ and this contains additional fields. These fields are in $g_{\mu 5}$ which is a vector field and satisfies Maxwell's equations. In this way, one has a solution of Minkowski's space in five dimensions and as well as the Electromagnetism. If one does some oscillations around this ground state, one gets a number of massive modes and some finite massless modes which are the spin-two gravitons and spin-one photons (also includes the Brans-Dicke scalar).

Now, similarly, we hope to compactify the solutions of Supergravity and Superstrings (and M-theory, F-theory) to obtain a vacua similar to ours. I do not wish to discuss the realistic interpretation of these works as in phenomenology, yet. The classic example of compactification is of kind $M^4 \times K$ where $K$ is a Calabi-Yau manifold with some desired holonomy. For example, for the unbroken SUSY, we generally want K with $SU(3)$ holonomy,, and the Calabi-Yau manifold is perfect for this. Now, as discussed in the Kaluza-Klein case, the local symmetry group would be coming from $K$. In the case of the standard model, the symmetries are $SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$, thus $K$ must admit these when talking about finding the standard model upon compactifications. (One could argue that there is a spontaneous compactification, as Scherk and Cremmer did, of the vacuum from the $M^4 \times K$ to our four-dimensional world, and the extra dimensions, which are the $dim K$, are very microscopic.)

The famous superstring compactification was done by Candelas,, of the heterotic string theory with gauge group $E_8 \times E_8$ and $SO(32)$ as they were shown to have the anomaly cancellation. Similarly, one could talk about the supergravity with same gauge groups. For supergravity, one can have a maximum $11$ dimensions to hold the supersymmetry and one more dimension could predict massless modes with spin more than two, which is not possible. In fact for $K$ to have the symmetry group $SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1)$, $K$ should be of minimum seven dimensions.
Upon compactification, we generally obtain a moduli of solutions, since there is no unique solution. We will hopefully discuss these moduli later.

Now, I come to the other part of this post which is merely a small shout-out. Physicists are mainly interested in the geometric Langlands program, as it was shown that S-duality (or electric-magnetic duality) is a manifestation of Langlands duality by Olive, Witten, Kapustin, Goddard, and so on in different works. Generally, there is a duality between the $\mathcal{A}$ side and $\mathcal{B}$ side, as in mirror symmetry. Generally, theoretical physics does not have much progress with the Real Langlands as they are generally number-theoretical advancements. The same is true with the local (which is about p-adic fields) and global (which is about number fields) Langlands correspondence. (For some more developments of Langlands in physics, see

However, Scholze (and Fargues) worked on a proposal to refine the local Langlands program, to make it more geometric, to make it like more geometric Langlands. Scholze's new paper appeared this week about the same subject and now the key word is motives.

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Associated Primes

Support of a module $M$ is  $$   \text{supp}(M) = \{\mathfrak{p} \in Spec R: M_\mathfrak{p} \neq 0\} $$ which is basically the collection of points in the $SpecR$ that is non-trivial under the localization of the module to the point $\mathfrak{p}$.

Now, we move on to defining the associated primes of the module. There are finitely many associated points in $SpecR$.

An associated point is called an embedding point if it is in the closure of some other associated point. This means that if $R$ can be reduced, then there are no embedded points.

We also define that $$ \text{Supp}(M)= \overline{Ass_R M} $$ where $M$ is an $R$-module. This means that the support of $M$ is the closure of the associated points of $M$.

We call an element of $R$ a zero-divisor if it vanishes at an associated point. Now we define annihilator ideal $Ann_R\ m$ for $m \subset R$ of a module $M$ $$Ann_R\ m := \{a \in R: am =0\}.$$

There is the localization at these associated primes. Given that $R$ is a Noetherian ring and a module M over $R$, then there is an injection $$ M \rightarrow \Pi_{\mathfrak{p}\in Ass M} M_\mathfrak{p}$$ with a similar injection in the localization at the $SpecR$. (Support of the module and the associated primes commute with localization.) For any reference, see the frequently mentioned notes on this blog.

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Grothendieck's EGA/SGA

Grothendieck's EGA/SGA notes are quite complicated for a beginner to read. EGA starts by assuming that the reader is familiar with homology theory, commutative algebra, sheaves, functors formalism, and category theory. For those who think EGA/SGA is relevant for them (because some believe there are better 'textbooks' out there on Algebraic Geometry), here are some thoughts from my side.

  • If you are an undergraduate and acquainted with basic algebra, you may want to bridge the concepts I mentioned. Some helpful resources are Bourbaki's Commutative Algebra, CRing Project, the Stacks Project (a little advanced), and Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud. You may also try going through Vakil's note on Foundations of Algebraic Geometry which covers category theory in a bare minimum manner to get along the Scheme theory. He does not discuss Topos theory or topics in SGA but the book serves as a brilliant exposition of the scheme theory (schemes, quasicoherent sheaves, ringed spaces, Riemann-Roch, and geometric properties of schemes).
    CRing project was started with the same vision of providing a collaborating workbook for people who would want to study the EGA/SGA or say theory of schemes.
  • If you are wondering if EGA/SGA is still relevant (in the same spirit the question stands for Serre's Faisceaux Algébriques Cohérents), then I believe they are very relevant even today even if there are numerous textbooks/notes around. You may want to read which is most of what I feel. If you align with the notion of independent inquiries, then reading notes written about the field when such things were only developing will be beneficial.
  • Given EGA/SGA is a wonderful collection of notes set out during the development of modern algebraic geometry, I read EGA whenever I can, as well as FAC. I am afraid I do not read much of SGA. But now I feel tempted (during these years of studying algebraic geometry), to write some 'prenotes' to the style of EGA/SGA. I am not sure how it would unfold given my other commitments. But look for this blog for these notes when I start writing them. I already have a lengthy set of notes on scheme theory but I wish to cover some preliminaries as well. How it would be different than other existing projects? Maybe it would and I am not sure about it. The thought is still in its infancy. But it would be a major EGA style of writing except it would help me to organize the notes I already have/I will write.

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Are four symmetries enough?

I wrote this post after a talk by Rajarama Bhat at IITK (with the same title as this post's title). 

The question is for the finite-dimensional spaces. One wants, for a unitary operator, to see the product of how many 'symmetries' result in the unitary operator. The motivation is exactly like any other, such as the prime decomposition of rings. We emphasize the von Neumann algebra. Consider (bounded, in this case) unitary involutions (self-adjoint and it will imply a symmetry) $Q^* Q = QQ^* = \mathbb{1}$ and $Q^2=1$.

Theorem [Halmos-Kakatani, 1958 and Fillmore, 1966] - In an infinite dimensional von Neumann algebra $\mathcal{M}$, every unitary symmetry can be decomposed into four symmetries.

In this, one basically says that a set of unitaries $S^4(\mathcal{M})$ will decompose to product four symmetries in $\mathcal{M}$. The proof can be found in Halmos-Kakatani. But this will assume that we have an infinite dimensional algebra (like type $II_\infty$, type $I_\infty$, type$ III$). For finite-dimensional cases, like type $II_1$ one runs into a determinant of unitaries which are $\pm 1$. For this, Radjavi has a theorem for type $I_n$ with matrices in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ with determinant $\pm 1$ saying that every unitary can be decomposed into four symmetries. But the determinant here has a catch of a slightly different definition of a central-valued determinant. You may refer to this paper by Bhat and Radjavi. But one safely says that in type $I_n$, we can decompose all the unitaries into finitely many symmetries (also see Broise, 1967).

For type $II_1$, [where we have a maximal entropy state], the story is a little different than type $I_n$ for where $S^4(\mathcal{M})$ is norm-closed and not norm-dense in the set of unitaries.

Theorem [Bhat, 2022] - In type $II_1$ algebra $\mathcal{M}$, every unitary can be decomposed into six symmetries in $\mathcal{M}$.
Theorem [Bhat] - For the type $II_1$, if any unitary operator $Q$ has a finite spectrum, it can be decomposed into four symmetries $\mathcal{M}$.

Now, why not three symmetries? The answer is that the product of the symmetries is not norm-dense in the set of unitaries. This can be verified for any von Neumann algebra.
So, the answer to 'Are four symmetries enough', and I don't know one, is that you don't know and it is somewhere between four and six. It is interesting to see such questions (and many are open questions) in these works.

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And Coherent Sheaves...

In the last post, we discussed the quasi-coherent sheaves for some ring $R$ and scheme $X$. On a scheme $X$, the quasi-coherent sheaves form an abelian category and in fact, this category is a sub-category of the category of $R$-modules. So, simply, as Vakil puts it in his notes, one should better look if the category of $R$-modules is an abelian category and prove that the category of quasi-coherent sheaves (call $Q_{coh}$) is indeed a subcategory of the category of $R-$modules ($Mod_R$), so

$$Q_{coh} \subset Mod_R$$
I will leave this to you to prove this.

Similarly, the coherent sheaves for some ring $R$ also form the abelian category (similar proof) and in fact, quasi-coherent sheaves will not always form an abelian category for any arbitrary ringed space while coherent sheaves will always form an abelian category. Coherent sheaves come with a bit more than quasi-coherent sheaves, both attached very strongly to the sheaf of modules of $R$. The extra condition is of finite presentation and finitely generated modules. A quasi-coherent sheaf is a coherent sheaf if the modules $M$ are finitely generated (hence $R^n \to M$ which is a surjection). For the Noetherian scheme, a finitely generated quasi-coherent sheaf will automatically be a coherent sheaf. But for non-Noetherian schemes, it is not guaranteed. That is why, one should be careful defining coherent sheaf as quasi-coherent sheaf which is finitely generated, which is not true always.

In general, local nature of the ringed space will be described better by the coherent sheaf (category). The discussion on coherent sheaf and finite presentation (that I do not discuss in this) will be done later. Some resources on this subject are this, this by Serre and Vakil's notes.

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Quasi-coherent Sheaves and Modules

Quasicoherent sheaves are simple but enriched structures, the ones which are used in this note on Fourier theory, that are used to do sheafification. 

To define a scheme, we glue together (spectrum) of rings. Similarly, to define a quasicoherent sheaf, we glue together the modules over those rings. (A module over Ring is defined for a ring morphism $R \rightarrow M$ where $M$ is a generalization of the vector space, $R\times M \rightarrow M$.) So in a fashion, what rings are to schemes, modules are to quasicoherent sheaves.

This to explain briefly what I have not tried defining in the note on Fourier theory. For references check the note.

So, we take a scheme $X$ and define a sheaf over this as $\theta_X$, then the quasicoherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ is the sheaf of $\theta_X$-modules such that is defined on every affine subscheme $\mathcal{U}_i \subset X$ and the restriction gives
$$ \mathcal{F}|_M \cong \tilde{M}$$
where $\tilde{M}$ is sheaf for some $R-$module ${M}$. The scheme $X$ is over this ring $R$. So much is packed into this definition. But let us first check the locality aspects.
Basically, we should be able to restrict this sheaf in some affine scheme subscheme $\mathcal{U}_i$ and get the sheaves associated to the modules of the ring $R$. So, we can glue together these (sheaves) modules of the rings and get the globally a quasicoherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$. So locally a quasicoherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ looks like a sheaf of modules over the ring. This helps us to reduce the problem of studying the quasi-coherent sheaf into a problem of studying the modules over the ring of some subsystem.

Moroever, the morphism between quasi-coherent sheaves are basically the morphisms between $\theta_X$ modules.
I have used these quasicoherent sheaves in sheafification over a module in the note since the sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ is isomorphic to the R-mod $M$.
A coherent sheaf is basically a quasi-coherent sheaf with the finiteness condition.
We will discuss more about that later (if I remember).

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Hitchin Equations and Higgs Bundle

Hitchin equations were the first solution to the hyperkahler moduli space of the Higgs bundle (see here). Since then, it has appeared many times in the physics of gauge theory. In fact, the reduction of $\mathcal{N} =4$ SYM to a two-dimensional gauge theory has target space (at low energies) which is just he Hitchin's moduli space of a Higgs bundle $\Phi$. 

Let's see what are the Hitchin equations. Take a Higgs bundle on a smooth Reimann surface $C$, then we have 
  1. A holomorphic vector Bundle $E$
  2. Holomorphic Higgs field $\Phi$. This is but the holomorphic section of the endomorphism bundle $End(E) \otimes K_X$ where $K_X$ is the canonical bundle of $X$.
Higgs bundle $\Phi$ is one-form $C$ which takes value in the adjoint representation (which is the adjoint bundle of G-bundle $E$).

Now, we take the bundle and define the complex connection $\mathcal{A}$ over the $G_\mathbb{C}$ bundle
$$\mathcal{A} = A+i\phi$$
$G_{\mathbb{C}}$ is given by the complexification of $E \to \mathbb{C}$ and the structure group $G \mapsto G_\mathbb{C}$. The complex curvature $\mathcal{F}$ is given by
$$\mathcal{F} = d\mathcal{A} + \mathcal{A} \wedge \mathcal{A}.$$
We can get the real and imaginary parts of this curvature as
$$\text{Re}\mathcal{F} = F-\Phi \wedge \Phi$$
$$\text{Im}\mathcal{F} = D\Phi$$
The Hitchin equations are now
$$\mathcal{F} =0 \\ D \star \Phi=0$$
where $D \star \Phi = D^-_Z\Phi_z+D_z\Phi^-_z$, for $z \in \mathbb{C}$, so
$$D^-_z = \partial^-_z+ [A^-_z, \cdot]\\ D_z=\partial_z + [A_z,\cdot]$$
For a $\mathcal{N} =4$ SYM on a four manifold $\Sigma \times \mathbb{C}$ where $\Sigma$ is a 2-manifold  and is very large than $\mathbb{C}$. $\mathbb{C}$ is just the Riemann surface.  Now, we reduce the four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory on $\Sigma \times \mathbb{C}$ to $\Sigma$. That should make clear why $\Sigma$ is larger than $\mathbb{C}$ and we get the effective field theory on $\Sigma$. This two dimensional theory will be the SUSY $\sigma$-model. The presence of such sigma model is a fortunate situation. The target space of this sigma model is the space of classical supersymmetric vacua that we get while the compactification (this is pretty known in physics). Evidently, what we get is that the target space is space of Hitchin hyperkahler moduli space of the Higgs bundle $\Phi$ that we just discussed. This moduli space is widely studied in the physics literature and usually represented by $\mathcal{M}_H(G,\mathbb{C})$ where $G$ is the structure group of $E$-bundle. So basically the Higgs bundle is given by the pair of a complex connection and Higgs bundle $(\mathcal{A},\Phi)$. And we are interested in solutions in the map $\Sigma \to \mathcal{M}_H$.

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A (Quick) Note on Fourier Theory

I wrote a short note about Fourier analysis (of which the generalization is the Langlands program) of finite groups. Basically, we take the action from $G$ on $V$ to $\mathbb{C} G$ on $V$, where $V$ is the representation. Character theory is discussed as well.

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Some Updates

Some of the recent stuff.

  • I recently had a paper on the Local Aspects of Topological Quantization and Wu-Yang Monopoles available at
  • I recently talked at a seminar about the relevance of mathematics in theoretical physics. The primary concern was to notify the wonders of parallel between stuff from both ends. The slides are available at this URL.
    I wish to formalize these into (more proper) notes sometime later in the near future.
  • I wrote a short note on Fourier Analysis of (finite) Groups which is available at this URL.

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The Quill 7 ~ Spectral decomposition of Modules

For any commutative ring $R$, we have an $R-$module with the map

$$R \rightarrow End(V)$$
where $V$ is a part of $R-$mod. Now, there is a spectral decomposition of this $V$ as 
$$ \mathcal{V} = V \otimes_R \mathcal{O}(U)$$
where $\mathcal{V}$ is a sheaf defined over the Spec $R$ and $U \in Spec R$. So given a commutative $R$ we have a module over $R$ which sheafifies over Spec $R$. See this paper by Serre for motivation and Lemma 7.1 in Stacks Project.

Now, we take a commutative algebra $A$ and the Spec $A$ is just the linearized version of
$$A \rightarrow \mathcal{O}(X)$$
where $X$ is a space, we choose functions over this space, which satisfies the algebra. (Well, most of the time Spectrum has the same meaning, see this post.) 

We know that in quantum mechanics, the observables belong to an algebra and the Hilbert space is where the algebra works. In quantum mechanics, phase space is changed by Hilbert Space $\mathcal{H}$. (In quantum mechanics, we are mostly interested in a *-algebra and hermitian operators.) Now any observable $\mathcal{O}$ acting on the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, there is a spectral decomposition that we have defined at the beginning where $\mathcal{H}$ sheafifies over $\mathbb{R}$ because we considered a single operator and $Spec A = \mathbb{R}$ in that case. So the Hilbert space decomposes over $\mathbb{R}$. Now any state $\psi \in \mathcal{H}$ is defined as a section of this sheaf $\mathcal{H}$ over Spec $R$ and thus we have an eigenspace decomposition from this section of the state vectors. Support of this section gives us measurements.

Such kind of decomposition relies on the definition of quasi-coherent sheaves as these $\mathcal{V}$ sheaves are quasic-coherent sheaves. And this is very appropriate for the physics as well.

(This will be the last post in The Quill Series as I am suspending it indefinitely as I fail to commit with a decent frequency in this category as originally thought. I will continue to post but not with this category in mind.)

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The Quill 6 ~ Langlands Program and Electric-Mangetic Duality

We start by putting a disclaimer that Langlands program is a massive program and contains many abstract subtleties which we neither address here nor we think of them, at least when the focus is on theoretical physics. Langlands program is the study of the map from automorphic forms and representation theory to Galois theory. If we wish to talk about the Langlands correspondence for $GL_n/K$ where $K$ is a finite field extension of $Q_p$, then the correspondence is a canonical bijection between the $\infty$-dim irreducible $\mathbb{C}$ representation of $GL_n/K$ and $n$-dim complex representation of Galois group $Gal(\bar{K}/n)$. This was a local Langlands correspondence but such a duality is of non-interest to physicists. There exist many manifestations of the Langlands program in mathematics and physics. Instead, we are interested in geometric Langlands correspondence. It is surprising to note that mirror symmetry appears when we talk about geometric Langlands correspondence between gauge theories {Kapustin:2006pk}.

Monopoles were first subjected in a paper by Dirac in 1931 {dirac1931quantised}, in which there is a monopole sitting at the origin. Such a thing is without consequence and thus we find a quantization condition, also called {\it Dirac's quantization condition}. For subsequent developments in physics of it, refer to {preskill1984magnetic}. In this paper, we are concerned (mostly) with mathematical developments. We now fast forward to the paper by Goddard, Nuyts and Olive (GNO) in 1976 {Goddard:1976qe}.

GNO puts forward the idea that for a compact gauge group $G$, the electric charges take values in the weight lattice of the gauge group $G$ while magnetic charges take values in the weight lattice of gauge group $G^L$ where $G^L$ is the Langlands dual of the gauge group $G$. This is a very profound result in mathematical physics. The dual group could also be called GNO dual group. When we move ahead, we have the Monotonen-Olive conjecture {montonen1977magnetic,Osborn:1979tq} which states that the coupling constants of the group $G$ and $G^L$ are equivalent if

$$ \alpha \longleftrightarrow \frac{1}{\alpha'} $$

which might look familiar to people who have seen S-duality in string theory. Well, there are quite many similarities between string theory and such rich mathematics but we would not be able to cover all of them in this note. One interesting, however, is the statement that categories of A-branes defined over the moduli space of Higgs bundle over some Riemann surface $C$ for $G$ and $G^L$ are equivalent. A similar statement can be made for categories of B-branes defined over the moduli space of flat connections that are equivalent for $G_\mathcal{C}$ and $G^L_\mathcal{C}$ {Kapustin:2008pk,Kapustin:2006pk}.

In other words, the irreducible representations of the gauge group $G$ are known to be the Wilson loops, then by GNO duality, there exist irreducible representations of a dual group $G^L$ which are called `t hooft loops. Monotonen-Olive conjectured that group $G$ and $G^L$ are isomorphic if the Yang-Mills coupling constant are inverse to each other. For physicists, it same as S-duality of coupling constants and in the right context, indeed, the geometric Langlands correspondence is S-duality of $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory.

$\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory is a perfect setting for this exposition. It means that we have four copies of the representation of supersymmetry (SUSY) algebra. The minimum degree of SUSY is $\mathcal{N}=1$. Note that $\mathcal{N}=4$ is the maximum number of SUSY we can have in six dimensions. The reason why we start with a six-dimensional manifold $\mathcal{M}_6$ is that it naturally leads to S-duality action when compactified {Kapustin:2006pk,Witten:2009at}. We can compactify $\mathcal{M}_6$ on a 2-torus (product space of $S^1 \times S^1$)

$$ \mathcal{M}_6 = \mathcal{M}_4 \times T^2. $$

Recall that $\mathcal{M}_6$ does not easily admit an action. But $\mathcal{M}_4$ does. However, $\mathcal{M}_6$ admits a 3-form $H$ (similar to 2-form $F$ in four-dimensional Maxwell's equation) where $H$ is a curvature term of some ($U(1)$) gerbe connection. This 3-form is related to the 2-form $F$ over $\mathcal{M}_4$ after compactification. On $T^2$, the conformal structure is provided by a complex parameter $\tau$ in the upper half of $\mathbb{c}^2$ (as the imaginary part of $\tau$ is always positive). One can now write the 3-form $H$ after the dimensional reduction as

$$ H = F \wedge dx + \star F \wedge dy $$

and because of the Bianchi identity $dH=0$, we have $dF=0$ and $d \star F =0$. One can similarly generalize it by relating a self-dual theory in $4k+2$ dimensions with $2k$ form curvature in $4k$ dimensions. In this case, a six-dimensional quantum field theory admits a self-dual curvature, which is also the reason for not having a definite action attached to it. See {Witten:2009at} for a discussion over this.

The parameter $\tau$ is given as

$$ \tau = \frac{\theta}{2\pi} + \frac{4 \pi i}{e^2} $$

and it has two symmetries in QFT, where one is classical 

$$ T \colon \tau \rightarrow \tau +1 $$

and the other one is quantum symmetry

$$ S \colon \tau \rightarrow - \frac{1}{\tau} $$

and together these two generators $S$ and $T$ generates the modular group $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ which is a subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$. This group is very special in string theory and unsurprisingly also in mathematics, especially in representation theory and Langlands program itself. The symmetry $S$ relates the coupling constants and thus we have a S-duality in the four-dimensional reduction. 

Let us now start with a ten-dimensional manifold $\mathcal{M}_{10}$ and compactify six dimensions, then the action of the four-dimensional theory becomes 

$$ S = \frac{1}{g} \int d^4x {\rm Tr} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{\mu, \nu=0}^3 F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \beta}\\ + \sum_{\mu=0}^3 \sum_{i=0}^6 D_\mu \phi_i D^\mu \phi_i + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{6}[\phi_i,\phi_j]^2 + \cdots $$

where $\cdots$ represents the fermionic part of the action. $g$ in the action is the Yang-Mills coupling constant. For brevity, the fermionic part can be ignored until the SUSY becomes important. In this action, we add a topological term

$$ S_\theta = -\frac{\theta}{8\pi^2} \int d^4x\ {\rm Tr}(F \wedge F) $$

and thus we have the complex parameter with us

$$ \tau = \frac{\theta}{2 \pi} + \frac{4\pi i}{e^2} $$

and the S-duality action with this.

There will be more posts for the Langlands program in the coming weeks.

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The Quill 5 ~ Solitons and sine-Gordon theory

We will look at the Soliton solutions in the sine-Gordon equation (which also shares correspondence with the (massive) Thirring model in perturbation theory). Let us first see a standard example of soliton in field theory. We take a non-linear scalar field theory $\phi$ with Lagrangian

$$ \mathcal{L} = -\frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi - U(\phi) $$

where potential $U(\phi)$ is described by

$$ U(\phi)=\lambda\left(\phi^2-m^2/\lambda\right)^2/4 $$

and the dimensionless coupling constant is $g=\lambda/m^2$. Here, $m$ is the mass of the elementary solutions of $\phi$. Then we define the  topological current

$$ j_u = \frac{\sqrt{g}}{2}\epsilon_{\mu \nu}\partial^\nu \phi$$

and the topological charge is then

$$ Q = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dx\ j_0$$

integrating it becomes

$$ Q = \frac{\sqrt{g}}{2}\left(\phi(\infty)-\phi(-\infty)\right) $$

where the $\infty$ is for a kink solution and $-\infty$ is for an anti-kink solution. These kinks deserve our attention here. $\phi$ varies from the minimum of $U(\phi)$ at $\phi = \mp 1/\sqrt{g}$ at $x=\infty$ to the minimum of $U(\phi)$ at $\phi = \pm 1/\sqrt{g}$ at $x=-\infty$. We can write a solution to this equation, which follows

$$ \phi^{''}=\frac{\partial U}{\partial \phi} $$

integrating this with $U$ with $\phi'$ vanishing at infinity we get

$$ \frac{1}{2}(\phi^{'})^{2} = U(\phi).$$

Integrating this now over our choice of $U$ will give us the kink (k) and anti-kink (k') solution

$$\phi(x)_{k(k')} = \pm \frac{m}{\sqrt{\lambda}} tanh\left[m(x-x_0)/\sqrt{2}\right].$$

The rest mass for the soliton is given by

$$ E = \int dx \frac{1}{2}\left(\phi^{'}\right)^{2} + U(\phi) = \frac{2\sqrt{2}}{3}\frac{m}{g}$$

which clearly states that kink (rest) mass divided by the $m$ is proportional to $1/g$. This is also an indication that solitons are non-perturbative physics.

Anyway, the previous example was about solutions of just one theory, where kink and elementary solutions shared a relation. The nature of these kinks will be apparent in the next post. Now, what about a duality between two sectors of different theories. For this, we will turn to the massive Thirring model, which shares a correspondence with the sine-Gordon theory, in a next post. 

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The Canvas of Holography of (A)dS/CFT

With V. Kalvakota, we wrote an essay pointing out the traditional points of holography where we have contrasted the case for AdS and de Sitter. The latter has points that are non-trivial in these traditional senses, so people have looked out for answers in different holographic settings. This paper was written for GRF 2024.

(Some may find this review we wrote last year helpful along with this reading.)

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The Quill 4 ~ The Grand Dictionary

Vakil's note on algebraic geometry has a lot of emphasis on, of course, the duality between geometry and algebra. 

The Dictionary

For every ring $A$, we can define the spectrum of $A$, which is but the prime ideals of the ring. So, any prime ideal in the ring corresponds to a point in the affine scheme. Any element $x$ in $A$ can be written as a function in Spec $A$. The radical ideals of $A$ are the closed subsets of Spec $A$. The maximal ideals of $A$ are the closed points of Spec $A$. An affine scheme is a ringed space that is isomorphic to $(Spec A, \Theta_{Spec A})$, which we have written for a ring $A$ where $\Theta_{Spec A}$ is the Zariski topology defined on the set. Read a similar post.

A radical of an ideal $I \subset A$ is defined as a set 
$$\rm{rad}(I) = \{  r \in A | r^n \in I\ \forall n \in Z^+\}$$
and a nilradical would be a radical of a zero ideal
$$\rm{nilrad}(I) = \{  r \in A | r^n=0 \in I\ \forall n \in Z^+\}$$

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The Quill 3 ~ On Generic Point

For a domain (or integral domain), the affine scheme is called an integral affine scheme. We know that the spectrum of the ring Spec $R$ is a collection of all the prime ideals of the ring, which is equivalent to geometric points of the affine space. For instance, for the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$, the affine space is 

$$A^1_{\mathbb{Z}} = Spec(\mathbb{Z}[x]).$$

For an algebraic closed field $K[x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n]$, the prime ideals are of form $(x_1-a_1, x_2-a_2, \cdots, x_n - a_n )$ where $a_n \in \mathbb{C}$. This is known as weak Nullstellanz. (In a previous case, we saw that for $\mathbb{C}[x]$, the prime ideals were the maximal ideals $(x-a)$ where $a \in \mathbb{C}$ and the zero prime ideal $(0)$.)

We called the prime ideal (0) a `generic point' in that picture. But what does the term mean? Generally, a generic point $x \in X$ where $X$ is a topological space if the closure of $x$ is the whole space. (One can find different definitions of generic points in the presence of different motivations.) Equivalently, we say that the generic point is a point that is `generic' for the whole space. Thus, if some function is valued on the generic point, then the function will value the same everywhere in the space. In general, a generic point is not available in the affine space. So, a generic point is contained in any other point of space. In the example of $\mathbb{C}[x]$, the generic point is unique, which is zero ideal. We know that the affine space points correspond to the ring's prime ideals. But a zero ideal can not be `pointed' in the affine space, meaning that the points of affine space will generally correspond to the maximal ideals of the ring.

The prime ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ are the principle ideals generated by primes $p$, ideals generated by irreducible polynomials $f(x)$, of form $(p,(f(x))$ which are the maximal ideals and zero ideals. Now, we know that the affine space of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ is just a space with points corresponding to these prime ideals, which are called the spectrum of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$. Interestingly, Mumford has a picture containing these points in his Red Book of Varieties and Scheme, known as Mumford's Treasure Map.

We see that the map has some points on the intersection of the horizontal and vertical curves, and the curves themselves are a collection of prime ideals. The horizontal curves are the prime ideals generated by some irreducible polynomial of form $f(x)$. In the map, one has polynomial $(x)$, so the ideal is $Z[x]/(x) \simeq \mathbb{Z}$ and similarly we have $(x^2+1)$ and so on. (We can see that the curve of $(x)$ is less thickened than $(x^2+1)$, which is because of the number of elements contained in the ideal.)

The vertical curve has points of the principle ideals the primes generate, for example, $\mathbb{Z}[x]/p$. $\mathbb{Z}[x]/2$ which is just $\mathbb{F}_2[x]$ (since $\mathbb{Z}[x]/p \simeq \mathbb{Z}/(p\mathbb{Z}) [x]$) where $\mathbb{F}_p$ is a finite field. Now, we have the points on the intersection of the curves, which are $(p,(f(x))$, and these are the maximal ideals. So, for $(2,(x+1))$, we have $\mathbb{Z}[x]/(3,(x+2)) = \mathbb{Z}/(3\mathbb{Z})[x]/(x+2) = \mathbb{F}_3$. 

But where are the generic points? Mumford has some doodles in the upper right corner of the map. This is the zero ideal of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ and is called a generic point. Geometrically, it does not make sense to point out a generic point since it is available everywhere, but it is nicely drawn on the map. The doodle has been pointed in every direction and is contained in every other point of the space. Once again, a generic point is quite harder to make sense of geometrically, but this is a nice way of visualizing them for the case of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$.

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The Quill 2 ~ Defining Gauge Theory

This post will contain some random notes on gauge theory and differential geometry.

It was very surprising when two cohorts, namely mathematicians and physicists, found that the stuff they were doing simultaneously was the same in two different languages. Let us take a vector bundle E with $G$ as its structure group on a manifold $\mathcal{M}$. Then, here, one can do lots of differential geometry. But the interesting thing is that this is equivalent to describing a gauge theory with the gauge group $G$. Let's say the connection on the vector bundle $A$ is 1-forms potential in the gauge theory. The curvature is defined as the exterior derivative of $A$
In the case of electromagnetism, which is U(1) gauge theory, one can say that a vector bundle with $U(1)$ structure group and connection $A$ defines the electromagnetism where $A$ follows a gauge transformation
$$G \colon A \rightarrow A'$$
where $G=U(1)$ in this case. The gauge transformations are taken in the overlap regions which we define while defining the 1-forms potentials (which are not global on the manifold). The curvature here is the 2-form $F$, which is the field for electromagnetism. It follows a Bianchi identity
Similarly, we can describe gauge theory using this way of seeing for $G=SU(2)$ or $G=SO(3)$. However, every case has its own special features; for example, if one has a compact abelian group (like U(1)), one can shoot for Hodge theory to study the 2-forms.

Now, the gauge group $G$ is the automorphism (the homomorphism from $E$ to $E$) of the bundle, and the algebra associated with $G$ is called gauge algebra. Thus, we observe that the Yang-Mills theory is described by these connections, curvature, and gauge group of a vector bundle.

We will expand later on why the connections are defined only locally on a manifold. For reference, one may check this book or this. There exists a very giant literature (expository too) on this.

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The Quill 1 ~ Dirac Strings

In the Quill series, I will discuss works ranging from quantum gravity to mathematics (especially algebraic geometry). I do not have any specific number of posts to write, so they will come as I see them in this month of February. This has been inspired by This Week's Finds by John Baez. 

The Issue with Dirac Strings

There was a paper last year by Gonuguntla and Singleton ( that argued that there was an overlooked field momentum in the case of Dirac string, which makes the model inconsistent with the center of energy theorem if one accepts that they are truly real. 
We start with a simple monopole placed at the origin of ${\mathbb R}^3$ so that the magnetic and electric charges are at rest. The field momentum of the electric field by this monopole has two components: Coulomb's term and Dirac's string term. There is a non-zero mechanical field momentum contribution from the interaction of magnetic charge and electric field due to the inclusion of Dirac's string, which does not vanish at all. See for the discussion on this term. It was suggested in same that there are two takeaways from this non-trivial mechanical field momentum: 1) the first is to say that the center of energy theorem is wrong, which implies that this term is an error, and 2) the second is to believe in the center of energy theorem and accept this term as a real contribution which implies that Dirac's string is real and must be physical even though how infinitesimally thin we believe it to be. However, then it becomes a system in which the electric charges generate a monopole-like magnetic field with a solenoidal magnetic flux.

A comment on that paper appeared (, which points out that the vector potential taken in the paper of Gonuguntla and Singleton, is taken over all the space is not possible because these potentials, which are 1-forms can not be defined globally but only can be defined in certain overlaps using gauge transformations and the quantization is defined because of the locally constant cocycle condition appearing in those overlaps. For basics, see ( T. T. Wu and C. N. Yang, "Concept of Nonintegrable Phase Factors and Global Formulation of Gauge Fields," Phys. Rev. D 12, 3845 (1975) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.12.3845)

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A Correspondence between Algebra and Geometry

In Vakil's notes, I found a quote attributed to Sophie Germain "L'algèbre n'est qu'une géométrie écrite; la géométrie n'est qu'une algèbre figurée." (Algebra is but written geometry; geometry is but drawn algebra.)

Let us first motivate the affine scheme, which is roughly the isomorphism between the spectrum of a ring $R$ and locally ringed space (topological space with a sheaf of rings), such that the topological space admits covering $U_i$ where every $U_i$ being an affine scheme and a general scheme is just gluing together these affine schemes. Remember that $\mathrm{spec}(R)$ is just all the prime ideals of $R$.

For any ring $R$, we have the spectrum of $R$ dual to the affine line over $R$. This is the correspondence we wish to understand. For $\mathbb{C}[X]$, we have
$$\mathbb{A}^1_{{\mathbb{C}}[X]} = \mathrm {Spec}(\mathbb{C}[X])$$
and since $\mathbb{C}[X]$ is an integral domain, the prime ideal is $0$ and then any $(x-a)$ is a prime when $a \in \mathbb{C}$. Geometrically, $\mathbb{A}^1_{{\mathbb{C}}[X]}$ is just the collection of points $(x-a)$ and $0$ on a one-dimensional affine line, but there is no $0$ on this line. Instead, we call $0$ a generic point on this affine line. Now, for every prime ideal in $\mathbb{C}[X]$, one can find a point on this complex affine line. Similar examples exist for other rings.

Such is the correspondence between algebra (prime ideals) and geometry (affine scheme), and it is beautiful. Thanks to Grothendieck.

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Presheaf is a Contravariant Functor

It is a natural exercise to check how a presheaf is a contravariant functor from a category of open sets to an abelian category $\mathcal{C}$, that is 

$$\mathfrak{F} \colon {\mathrm Cat_{Open} (X)} \rightarrow \mathcal{C}$$
where the ${\mathrm Cat_{Open} (X)}$ is the category of open sets $U \subset X$ and $X$ is a topological space. We can easily understand why presheaf would be a 'contravariant functor' for these open sets categories by checking the inclusion and restriction morphisms. 

For $X \subset V$ and $X,V \subset X$, we have the restriction morphism
$$f \colon \mathfrak{F}(V) \rightarrow \mathfrak{F}(U)$$
which is rather very straight from our intuition in the 'practice' of the inclusion of sets and restriction maps from it. Or it may be said that the restriction maps are the morphisms to check in the category of presheaves $Psh(\mathcal{C})$ to see if the functor is contravariant or covariant. (A morphism between presheaves are rather the natural transformation of functors.) Since one also naturally defines, for example, in SGA IV
$$\mathfrak{F} \colon \mathcal{C}^{\mathrm Opp} \rightarrow {\mathrm Cat}$$
where $\mathcal{C}^{\mathrm Opp}$ is the opposite category, so one has the opposite arrow of morphisms, which is, if it helps, equivalent to imagining any 'restriction' like situations. It is easy to apply this thought in some categories; however, it is unsettling for some others.

We also think in terms of pullbacks, which is more natural for espace étalé description.

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On de Sitter Quantum Gravity and Holography

With Vaibhav Kalvakota, we wrote a note on recent developments in de Sitter quantum gravity and some other stuff, such as a review of entanglement entropy in de Sitter and algebra of observables for states in de Sitter static patch.

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Six Dimensional Gauge Theory and 2-Form

A 6-dimensional theory defined on $M_6$ does not easily admit a quantum field theory action (since $\int_{M_6} H \wedge \star H =0$). On $M_6$, one identifies a 3-form self-dual $H$ with a Bianchi identity

which is similar to $dF=0$ for a 2-form $F$ in a four-dimensional gauge theory. Basically, $F$ is just a curvature of a $U(1)$ connection, and $H$ is a curvature of a $U(1)$ gerbe connection. We can nonetheless study $M_4$ by compactifying $M_6$ on 2-torus
$$M_6 = M_4 \times T^2 $$
Or alternatively, $M_5$ Cauchy hypersurface in $M_6$ has a symplectic form that can be quantized to give a Hilbert space. This will serve the data on $M_6$. But instead, we look at $T^2$ and take
$$ T^2 = {\mathbb{C}^2}/{\Lambda} $$
where $\mathbb{C}^2$ is a $u-v$ plane and $\Lambda$ is a lattice parametrized by $1, \tau$. Here $\tau$ is a point in the complex plane. Let us now endow $M_6$ with a metric $g$, and we can decompose this metric
$$g(M_6) = g(M_4) + g(T^2)$$
and we will now fix the metric on $T^2$. Now we will add a real scaling factor for $g(M_4)$, so
$$g(M_6) = t^2\ g(M_4) + g(T^2).$$ On $T^2$, the conformal strcuture is determined by a point $\tau$ in the upper-half of $\mathbb{C}^2$, modulo the action of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$. If one takes $t \rightarrow \infty$, one reduces $M_6$ self-dual gauge theory to a four-dimensional gauge theory; since it is conformal invariant, $t^2$ can be dropped from now. But the whole reduction depends on the canonical structure of $T^2$. The reduced gauge theory will have a symmetry $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$. We now pull back $F$ to $M_6 = M_4 \times T^2$ with only non-trivial $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ terms
$$H = F \wedge dx + \star F \wedge dy$$
Since $dH=0$, we have $dF =0 $ and $d \star F=0$, which are the equation of motion for a $U(1)$ gauge theory in four dimensions. So a self-dual theory of 3-form $H$ in six dimensions is related to a 2-form $F$ defining gauge theory in four dimensions. One can generalize it by relating a self-dual theory in $4k+2$ dimensions with $2k$ form curvature in $4k$ dimensions. We now find that $F$ has a coupling parameter which is determined by $T^2$, namely $\tau$, modulo the action of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$
$$\tau = \frac{\theta}{2\pi} + \frac{4 \pi i}{e^2}$$
Even though six-dimensional gauge theory does not have an action, 4-dimensional gauge theory has an action which, in this case, is just the usual action for $U(1)$ gauge theory. But the presence of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ symmetry implies the electric-magnetic duality, which we find inevitably in the reduction to 4-dimensional gauge theory. In this heuristic argument, we prove that reducing a gauge theory on $M_6$ to $M_4$ would admit a hidden symmetry $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$, which is determined by the conformal structure of $T^2$.

In literature, taking $t \rightarrow \infty$ is also called the infrared limit. So 4-dimensional gauge theory is an infrared limit of 6-dimensional gauge theory. Relevant papers include this, this, this, this, and this.

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Alexander Grothendieck

This is dedicated to mathematician and activist Alexander Grothendieck (1928-2014). I am not fit to serve any opinions about Grothendieck. With this, I only want to share the legacy of Grothendieck, who shapes (and distorts) my mathematical notions daily. Consider visiting

Note - I do not necessarily agree with every word in these documents. His attacks and meditations are here for archival purpose only.

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Yoneda Lemma

Let us take a look at Yoneda Lemma, which might be the most trivial yet the hardest part of Category theory (and algebraic geometry). I would not be drawing any commutative diagrams.

Take a (small locally presumably poset) category $\mathcal{C}$ and hom-functors $h$ on it to ${\bf Set}^C$. So if we have a set of morphism $mor(A,B)$ ($\pi \colon A \rightarrow B$) for $A,B \in \mathcal{C}$, I can construct a functor to ${\bf Set}^C$ out of set of morphism which I write as $H(A, B)$. One does this for every object inside $\mathcal{C}$; in this way, we get many sets of morphisms to form $H(A, X)$. We now find the normal (representation) isomorphism of this functor
$$\xi \colon F \rightarrow Hom(A,X)$$
and this means that an object $A$ is determined up to isomorphism by the pair $(\xi, F)$. We can also say $F$ is the $Hom(Hom(A,X))$. 

Yoneda Lemma states that any information about the local category is encoded in ${\bf Set}^C$. The set of the morphism becomes the objects for ${\bf Set}^C$, and morphism is given by the natural representation of the functor. So any functor in $\mathcal{C}$ can be sent to its functor category ${\bf Set}^C$, which sends $A$ to $h$. Note that we did not say if $h$ is a covariant or contravariant functor, the result is the same for either.

The philosophy of Yoneda Lemma is also encaptured in this video, essentially meaning why only one view is wrong. Another good exercise is to realize how this is a universal property and why taking maps to and from $A$ is important to understand a category.

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Bochner's Tube Theorem

Let us say we have an analytic function $f(z)$ where $z \in \mathbb{C}$ defined in a tube $T$

$$T = \{ z \in \mathbb{C}, z = a+ib, b \in \mathcal{C}, a \in \mathbb{R}^n \}$$
where $\mathcal{C}$ is a convex cone at the origin. Given this, we can prove that some $f'(z)$ analytic continuation of $f(z)$ is defined in a similar tube. For this, we say that there exists a connected domain $G \subset \mathcal{R}^n$, which coincides with the boundary values of  $f(z)$ and $f'(z)$. Then it implies that $f(z)$ and $f'(z)$ are the analytical continuations of each other and are analytic around the domain $G$. This is also known as the edge of the wedge problem.

Now we state the classical tube theorem. We also would make use of Malgrange–Zerner theorem. 

Theorem 1. For every connected domain $G \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, there exists a holomorphic envelope $H(G)$ which contains $G$ as its subdomain.

Theorem 2 (Tube Theorem). For every connected domain $G \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, there is a tube given by 
$$T(G) \{ z \in \mathbb{C}^n, Im(z) \in G \}$$
then the holomorphic envelope of the tube $T(G)$ is given by
$$H(T(G)) = T ( Co\ G)$$
where $Co\ G$ is the convex hull of $G$.

This tube theorem (and generalizations like the double cone theorem and Dyson's theorem) provide more insightful results in QFT. See Borchers1961. Timelike tube theorem can also be seen as a quantum generalization of Holmgren's uniqueness theorem, which also deals with analyticity. For more details on the timelike tube theorem, see Witten and Strohmaier & Witten.

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Quantum Error Correction

This is a three pages note on two papers - Scheme for reducing decoherence in quantum computer memory by Peter W. Shor and Error detecting and error correcting codes by R.W Hamming. The latter is about a parity check, and the former is about a quantum error check.

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Notes on Black Holes Information Problem

I wrote some discussions on the black information problem. Unfortunately, I could not include the AdS/CFT solution to the information problem while I strongly insist on studying it, do consider Harlow Jerusalem's review paper for that.

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Black Holes and Pondering

Since the 1970s, black holes have emerged as a central area for theorists. Here are five points why.

  • Black holes are unique physics; no classical, semi-classical, or quantum descriptions can describe them completely. It provides a way to understand quantum gravity. Understanding horizons, singularities, information through it, and many more make black holes perfect for learning new physics.
  • Black holes have unique entropy. Bekenstein, in 1971 gave (with arbitrary constants only perfected by Hawking later in 1973) a formula for entropy $S=A/4$ in Planck units. Bekenstein also provided a generalized second law $S = S_{BH} + S_{out}$, which conjectured that generalized second law can never be violated, this went through many tests. Bekenstein also proposed a unique bound on the entropy of falling objects, now known as the Bekenstein bound. (Which on the other hand has been explored a lot by many setting up holographic bounds, covariant bounds, and so on.)
  • Black holes evaporate. Hawking, in 1973, did the field theory calculations and showed that the positive flux of radiation goes to the future infinity, and the negative flux goes inside the horizon. This is radiation. With negative flux, black hole mass is reduced, and thus it is called evaporated. But this is not fitting since the black hole starts with a pure state, and in this scenario, it will end in the mixed state as Hawking radiation. This is called the Information problem.
  • The last mentioned point is why most ponder over black holes. Information preservation is a must, so physicists devised many roundabouts and alternatives to information loss proposed by Hawking. This includes Fuzzballs, Firewalls, Complimentarity, baby universes, etc. None of them exactly solves it; some create further paradoxes. It is unsettling that information could be lost.
  • There are beautiful ideas regarding wormholes through the double-sided eternal AdS black holes. ER=EPR is quite a line that joins the geometry and entanglement. Quantum teleportation, in theory, is also possible due to information theory and the web- traversable and non-traversable,

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Memories of a Theoretical Physicist

Joseph (Joe) Gerard Polchinski Jr. was an exceptional physicist who gave a lot to string theory. He has inspired a generation of physicists. He is personally one of my string heroes. In his later life, he suffered from cancer that made him unable to even read. Despite all the constraints, he wrote his autobiography and posted it on arXiv in 2017; you may read it here. Ahmed Almheiri (Joe's student) recently edited the biography to add more scientific explanations and image plates. There is a forward by Andrew Strominger and afterward by Joe's family. The book has been published by MIT Press. 

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Stages of Black Holes

Recently, I spotted a rough yet beautiful representation of the formation, evaporation, and different stages of black holes in, which is an excellent review to read. I am reproducing it here.

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Strings Dualities

We have five categories of consistent string theory;

  1. Type I
  2. Type IIA
  3. Type IIB
  4. Heterotic $E_8 \times E_8$
  5. Heterotic $SO(32)$
Type I has both closed and open strings. Type IIA and Type IIB contain only oriented closed strings. Heterotic strings are hybrid of bosonic string theory and superstring theory. There are two of them and much interesting. There are many striking relations between all of them, which were worked out by Sagnotti, Sen, Witten, Polchinski, and a few others. We call these relations dualities. (A critical, relating gauge/gravity theory, duality came from Maldacena in 1997, where he proved that Type IIB in AdS is equivalent to N=4 SYM on the conformal boundary.)

Type IIB is dual to Type I by T-duality. Type IIA and Type IIB are related by T-duality. T-duality relates theories on different tori. (T-duality is a very interesting duality that comes up when we have a compactification, as in toroidal compactification.) Type I with g coupling and Heterotic SO(32) with 1/g coupling are related by S-duality. Mirror symmetry relates string theories compactified on other Calabi-Yau manifolds. Compactification of Type II on a K3 Calabi-Yau manifold is dual to Heterotic theories on the 4-torus. Taking the limit $g\rightarrow \infty$ of Type IIA gives 11d Supergravity. These were significant results given that string theory was thriving for something like these dualities, which proved that all are merely the same string theory in different limits or on different geometry.

Another relevant figure from

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A Black Hole in Every Way

After reading Harlow's review notes on the black hole information problem, I am convinced that there could be many ways to explain the black holes information problem and black holes interior. It would be worth waiting and seeing which one is correct and which is less accurate. Here, I want to collect those possible ways of describing BHs.

  • Old Hawking Radiation: This was the idea of Hawking where he used Bekenstein entropy and implied negatively about unitarity, which later Hawking graciously accepted.
  • Complimentarity: This is a set of progressive ideas, mainly based on unitarity, purity of Hawking radiation, Einstein equivalence, and low energy EFTs. This one has exciting works from Hayden, Preskill, and Susskind.
  • AMPS: This one was put forward by Almheiri, Marolf, Polchinski, and Sully in this paper. This says that four things assumed (or used as concrete builds) in complementarity cannot all be true. They propose a firewall that would incinerate information. One can say a firewall is just an extended singularity or horizon. The firewall appears to break the Einstein equivalence principle which states that any observer should not see anything unusual at horizon.
  • Fuzzballs: This is for big charged black holes where one gets fuzzball-like solutions. However, hard to find such fuzzballs in uncharged black holes.
There are a few more (of which I am not now fully aware), including the Raju-Papadodimas theory and Horowitz and Maldacena theory. It is interesting to observe that some ideas clash with others, and some just sound crazy out the well, which should only be taken with a grain of salt unless there are concrete understanding of things.

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Black Holes and Information

(Some notes on black holes information problem)
At the moment, black holes and their information diary are intriguing theoretical physics problems. Starting with Hawking-Bekenstein, it is a very engaging problem, which has taken multiple routes over the course. To name a few- unitarity, holography (or AdS-CFT correspondence), and page theorem. Page theorem (and page curve) was one of the most exciting developments. 

Page curve suggests that the radiation $R$ is still maximally entangled with the remaining black hole $BH$. At the page time, both coarse-grained entropy is equal as $S_R = S_{BH}$, and after page time, as for a pure state, the entropy of the black proceeds to zero. It is very profound if you think hard about it. Page curve is a part of the hotter debate of whether infalling information is conserved in the radiation. 

Page Curve

Recovering the information (of course, this is just theoretical because an actual black hole information experiment is out of technical reach) is an arduous task and should be done quantum mechanically. I encountered Hayden and Preskill's experiment in (which I suggest for taking a broad view of the problem). Hayden and Preskill throw a diary in the black hole, and the diary is entangled to a system, early radiation, and black hole is entangled. After the black hole consumes the diary, in a thermalized sense, the question is how fast the information comes out. The answer, among others, is ( very rapidly for black holes that have already radiated by half (in other words, black holes which have exceeded the page time). This led them to call old black holes as mirrors.

Arrangement of Hayden and Preskill's. From

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Notes on Information Theory

I wrote some notes on information theory and its application in quantum mechanics and computing. I acknowledge D. Dhar for his constant support throughout the period.

Notes on Information Theory

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Covariant and Contravariant Functor in Category Theory

Recently, I strolled around an exciting fact about a difference of meaning of covariant and contravariant words in mathematics (category theory) and physics (tensor analysis). Well, that makes it harder for a mathematician and a physicist to talk about these two words without knowing in what sense.

In category theory, we can think of functors as the mapping of objects between categories. We can say that if a functor preserves the direction of morphism, then the functor is a covariant one. If it reverses the direction of the morphism, then it is a contravariant functor. John Baez has briefly mentioned them in his book "Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity". An identity functor is a covariant functor, and so are tangent vectors. While cotangent vectors and 1-forms are contravariant. (1-form in this case is differential of a function, however, if a differential of a function is to be thought as a vector field then the vector fields are covariant.)

Suppose we have a map $\phi:M \rightarrow N$ from one manifold to another. On $N$, we have real valued functions defined from $\psi:N\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$. To get real valued functions on $M$ we have pullback $\psi$ from $N$ to $M$ by $\phi$. 

$$\phi * \psi = \psi \circ \phi$$

We see that real-valued functions on $M$ suffer a change of direction in their morphism. So they are contravariant.


In tensor analysis, one can say that $X_\mu$ is covariant and $X^\mu$ is contravariant. (It is important to dodge that $\partial_\mu$ is covariant while its component $v^\mu$ can be contravariant.)

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Heterotic Strings

Here is my 10 pages handwritten (rough) notes on Heterotic string theory. We will work on both $SO(32)$ and $E_8 \times E_8$. For any reference, one can use String Theory Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Green, Schwarz and Witten. 

Heterotic Strings

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A Few Comments on Entropy

Entropy $S(x)$ is the measure of randomness of a variable $x$. It is important in the area of information theory, which, on the other hand, shares similarities with the entropy that we have in thermodynamics. We write entropy as

$$S(x) =\sum -p(x) \log p(x),$$

here $p(x)$ is the probability mass distribution of the variable. In quantum information theory (or quantum Shannon theory), we use discrete matrices in the place of mass distribution. We mostly prefer the logarithms in base 2 and the entropy is measured in bits. 

Suppose that Alice has sent a message which contains either $a$ or $b$. There is half-chance probability occurring of either. In this case, the binary entropy looks like the below figure, where when $p=1/2$ and $(1-p)=1/2$ the entropy becomes $1$ bit,

$$S(x)=-p(x)\log p(x) - (1-p) \log (1-p),$$

For more than one variable, we have joint entropy

$$S(x,y) = -\sum_{x}\sum_{y} p(x,y) \log p(x,y)$$

If, for instance, Alice sends a message consisted of strings a and b


then the messaged received by Bob is given by conditional entropy which is given by conditional probability

$P_{x \mid y}\left(x_{i} \mid y_{j}\right)=\frac{P_{x, y}\left(x_{i}, y_{j}\right)}{P_{y}\left(y_{j}\right)}$

and (we change the notation a bit, calling $X,Y$ random variable)

$$I(X; Y)=\sum_X \sum_Y p(x,y) \log \frac{p(x,y)}{p(x)p(y)} = S_{X}-S_{X Y}+S_{Y}$$

is the mutual information between two variables $X,Y$. The mutual information ($I(X;Y)$) is given by the relative entropy of the joint probability mass function and the product distribution given by $p(x)p(y)$ (I will recommend T. Cover and J. Thomas, Elements Of Information Theory. John Wiley Sons, 2006, for introductory materials.)

A look at general $x\log x$.

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